What do you get?

Tradex can provide insurance for scrap metal dealers and those who require cover for the collection and delivery of scrap materials, those with and without local authority licences as well as those who operate on a part time basis.

We insure a wide range of scrap dealers including one-man band ventures right through to companies with several vehicles in their ownership. The cover we provide is flexible and we can tailor a policy to include equipment, professional insurance and liability cover.  

Our scrap dealer insurance is available for certified, scrap metal dealers holding a current scrap metal dealer licence. However we can look at new ventures and casual scrap / recycling collectors; and risks will be considered on their own merit. We can typically cover vehicles at 3.5 T, but we can be flexible and arrange cover for 7.5 T or scrap lorries. We will also cover cage trucks and double cab tippers, as well as vehicle transporters and trailers. 

  • Comprehensive, Third party Fire and Theft or Third Party only insurance
  • Public Liability available up to £10Million level of indemnity.
  • Recycling equipment and plant, tools, machinery and office contents
  • Goods in transit
  • Recovery and breakdown
  • Engineering inspection
  • Bonus Booster available. Offers those with no bonus a six month policy to accrue a year’s no claims bonus and subsequently use this with us on a full term policy.